2022 Mission
After covid restrictions were lifted, four board members went back to Kenya to vet a new school with the Kenya team. Pastor George pitched Kanyekini Primary School; a very small school with damaged classrooms, infested with rats. Each child showed visible signs of severe malnutrition and skin infections. The headmaster at Kanyekini was incredibly grateful for the opportunity of partnership and made our team feel trusted. And from there, Kanyekini was our new partner school for 2023. During our trip, we visited our old school Gitithia where Dr. Randy led a single day clinic with two other board members. They treated and gave check-ups to 124 students.
The headmaster at Kanyekini was incredibly grateful for the opportunity of partnership and made our team feel trusted. And from there, Kanyekini was our new partner school for 2023. During our trip, we visited our old school Gitithia where Dr. Randy led a single day clinic with two other board members. They treated and gave check-ups to 124 students.