Our Work in Kenya
The original purpose of the organization was to impact the health of adolescent young women internationally, with an initial Life Enrichment camp in Limuru, Kenya. Projects of Hope brought a team of 18 people that led the camp, as well as completed a Clean Water Project and a Garden Shamba Project. The initial strategy was to work within the public school system in the country and to affect change not only in the lives of the children in the school but also in the greater community at large.
We wanted to do more than be a charitable mission, we wanted to leave something behind us that would perpetually affect the community. Now heading into our 5 th year, Projects of Hope has grown, and begun to impact several communities in the Kenyan region. We expanded the Life Enrichment camp to reach adolescent young men as well as young women. We added a recreational, sports aspect to the camp, understanding that we cannot impact young women without also reaching the men they interact with. During the trip each year, we are able to serve over 400 primary school boys and girls (consisting of both middle & elementary).
Our goal with each trip is to do a 5-day Life Enrichment camp which includes Health, Art, and PE classes, as well as complete an infrastructure and a revenue-generating Project. As our Camp has grown, so has the diversification of our projects. While still working with schools, we have created a library, built a playground, started a dairy farm that now provides income from Milk, built a soccer field, and ran a 5-day medical clinic where we treated 520 children. Each student was given an assessment and treated for ailments and conditions. Each year we are met by hundreds of beautiful Kenyan children who by their sheer joy give us much more than we expect to receive. And each year the team has grown, changed, and expanded to meet the growing needs that we continue to encounter. But no matter what we accomplish, there is always so much more work to do. This year we want to add a dental aspect to our medical clinic, as well as a new Garden Shamba project, and to begin the process of tracking every child that we have serviced and treated. And we need your help. Your support will enable us to make a difference at this year’s school and in the lives of a generation of children.